Preparing for Home Sleep Studies

Preparing for a home sleep study with our practice is very simple. Please confirm on the day of your appointment of your attendance. If English is your second language, and you feel you might have difficulties in understanding all the instructions, please feel free to bring a friend of family member fluent in English.

During your appointment, our trained staff will provide you with complete instructions and demonstrate the process of attaching the study sensors on yourself. The same set of instructions with clear illustrations will also be available for your reference within the equipment bag.

If you prefer our staff to assist with placing the equipment on, please shower before attending the appointment and wear loose clothing (e.g. a T-shirt). We highly suggest you arrange your own private transport home instead of using public transport.

Please note that the Medicare Benefits Schedule will only allow the study to be eligible for a Medicare rebate when the study has 8 hours or more of recording, irrespective of whether you are awake or asleep during this period. Hence, we would recommend that you attach the sensors and turn the machine on earlier in the evening, even when you are not asleep to ensure that you have met the 8 hours of recording.

If you have not filled out the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Questionnaires, please fill these out online or alternatively, fill these questionnaires out on paper and email or fax or bring it in on the day of the sleep study or appointment to us.