Referral for Pulmonary Function Tests

Please fill out the Patient Referral Form and indicate what test you would like performed

  • Pre-and post-bronchodilator spirometry (screening test for respiratory function)
  • Full lung function test (which include plethysmographic lung volumes and DLCO for suspected interstitial lung disease, neuromuscular disease, small airways disease, significant kyphoscoliosis or restrictive pleural disease)
  • Mannitol provocation test (for diagnosis and assessment of control of asthma)

Please also indicate on the referral form the puffers, nasal sprays and any antihistamine that the patient is taking (see above list under Preparing for Pulmonary Function Testing)

Alternatively, if you don’t want to use the electronic patient referral form, please email ( or fax (02 96876321) a copy of the referral to us and one of our friendly staff will assist your patient